What is an Engagement ?

What is an Engagement ?

Simply put, an Engagement is a mini web application (we can see it as a mini-game or experience) where targeted users will create, publish and share self-generated content. This web application can be accessed in any web browser (desktop, mobile, social application as Facebook, Twitter Instagram, etc...) thanks to a link pointing to the Engagement URL.

A typical Engagement workflow looks as follows :

Let's review the different steps of an Engagement.

1. Social Reach

First you need to allow people to access your engagement. This is typically done by creating a post (native or sponsored) or an ad on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. The destination of the ad is just the link to your Engagement (Engagement URL).

You can also use other methods as just sending the link through email or distribute QRCode that contains the link, or virtually any other way of distributing a web link. Be creative and choose what works best for your Audience !

2. Welcome Screen

Once a user clicks on the Engagement link (from the social reach, or any platform the URL was shared), he will arrive on the Welcome Screen. This is where you can explain the user what he will have to do. Review the article linked in this paragraph for more detailed information about Welcome Screens.

3. Engagement

When user clicks on the Welcome Screen image / button, the experience starts and the user can now interact with the engagement, and create its own version of the original content. SLAM provides different types of Engagements, such as:
  1. Draw on a background (try a sample here)
  2. Write a text on a background (try a sample here)
  3. Add a picture in a Frame ad add filter on it (try a sample here)
  4. Add sticker(s) on a fixed background or a user picture (try a sample here)

4. Sharing

Finally, when the user is satsisfied with its creation, he can publish his post and is given the opportunity to share it on different social platforms. You can customize the available platforms and other sharing options, as well as adding Email Collection Options for contests or lead generation, Consent Management guidelines,...

Engagements can be viewed as a new, genuine way to interact with your audience. Get to know the different types of Engagements and use them to fuel your creativity, and the one of your Audience ! 

Now that you know what an Engagement is on SLAM, read on to learn how to create one ! 

We love Feedback : if you think something is missing or could be better, either here on the Knowledge base or on the platform itself, just drop us a line and we'll fix it in no time :)

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