What will your audience see ? A complete user experience walk-through

What will your audience see ? A complete user experience walk-through

In order to deliver the best experience possible to your audience, it's important to put yourself in their shoes and visualize their journey throughout the Engagement. 

In this article we will cover an Engagement experience from first message exposure to social sharing, in order to let you see the complete path. You'll only need to transpose these steps and adapt them for your audience !

If you are looking for a Walkthrough on How to create an Engagement, read this article.

NB : This example comes from one of our own campaigns, so you might be familiar with it if you recently discovered SLAM ;) 

1 - First message exposure 

As with many Marketing campaigns or Community Management efforts, interaction starts with a message : the first one is very important, as its goal is to raise interest and trigger action ! 

It may be published on any platform : your Social Media accounts, Email Newsletters, Paid Advertising or even your Website's homepage ! As long as you can embed a URL, your Engagement will be accessible.

In our case, we will take a campaign from SLAM as an example. If you want, you can try the engagement at the same time by clicking this link. We decided to focus our efforts on LinkedIn, as its targeting options allowed us to reach our core audience, and our rather funny and humorous message stood out from the usual Ads.

2 - Welcome Screen 

You might have already read about the Welcome Screen in our dedicated article. Basically, the Welcome Screen is a Landing Page highlighting your engagement's principle and / or benefits.

In our case, we really wanted to keep it simple, so we focused on a single Background and text explanation. You can go further and customize it to fit your Branding needs and guidelines.

Once the user clicks on Start, he lands on the Engagement Experience itself.

3 - Engagement Experience 

The best part : this is where the user gets to interact and express his creativity ! 

Based on the type of Engagement you selected, the experience can vary a lot, so we won't cover all of them here. Head to the dedicated section to learn more about all Engagement Types.

For SLAM's Marketing Egg campaign, we wanted our audience to share their Marketing predictions on what would be the next Instagram Post to break a new likes Record. So the best Engagement type was Text, as it allows users to write their own ideas and apply them to a predefined Background.

What will be the next Instagram Post to break 50 Million Likes ? ...

Once they're done, users can click on the button to finish the Experience.

4 - End of post 

The End of Post part is where you can get your audience to share their post and / or contact details. This is an important part as doing so means additional visibility and leads for your Brand.

Optional - Email Capture

The Email Capture is an optional but very well-liked screen among marketers who use SLAM. It allows you to collect Opt-In Email and leads, be it for your Newsletter, Lead Generation Efforts, Contests and so on. The displayed text are customizable, and you can link to your Privacy Statements and Cookie Policies in order to stay compliant with GDPR. Read more in the dedicated section.

In our Example, lead generation is important to us, and we set up Email collection both to demonstrate the feature to potential SLAM users and to offer them to create a free account.

It is important to keep in mind that this part is skippable, to ensure that all users can get to sharing options which is the primary objective of any SLAM campaign. 
If you want to make it mandatory for your users to submit their Email, then you will need to specify it in the Email Capture Text. For example, you might explain that it will be needed in order to contact contest winners, and link to your Contest Rules.

Sharing Options

This is where your users get to Share what they have created with their friends and contacts : in most cases, this will be your primary objective. 

As you may have read it in the Sharing Options article, you can specify which channels your audience will be able to select from this screen. 

For our campaign, we selected four of them in order to display the platform's capabilities, though most of our intent was focused on LinkedIn for the same targeting reasons.

When the user clicks on a channel, for example Facebook, they will be taken to a popup window that'll enable them to create a post. They can edit it and write their own text, which will come alongside their Engagement and the Sharing Title that you have previously defined during campaign creation.

And here is how the Final Post will look like on Facebook :

This will appear in your user's newsfeed according to the privacy settings they select. When any of their contacts click on it, they will be taken to your Engagement's Welcome Screen, and start this process all over again for a new user.

5 - After Post Experience 

Last but not least, once your users have shared their engagement on their social networks, the popup will close and they will be taken back to the previous screen, Sharing Options. 

Two possibilities then remain : 

Start again 

If your Engagement Experience was reaaaally good or if they simply have another idea they want to try, your users can click on Start Again and they will be taken back to the Welcome Screen.

After Post Experience

If they click on the Arrow, or slide on Mobile, the users will be taken to any URL you specify : your website's homepage, your social media, a special offer on a landing page...

In our case, we linked to our Early Adopter Signup Page, extending the experience and higlighting the benefits of signing up to our Free Early Adopter program.

And that's it ! Now you see how a SLAM Engagement feels like when you're the end user. So, how did it go ? Did it give you ideas for your next campaign ? Perfect, then Go on and create your next Engagement !

And as always, we appreciate your Feedback : if you think something is missing or could be better, either here on the Knowledge base or on the platform itself, just drop us a line and we'll fix it in no time :)

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