Detailed Checklist : How to get started with SLAM

Detailed Checklist : How to get started with SLAM

SLAM might be simple to use, it can always be a bit overwhelming to know where to start and whether you've done everything right for your campaign. This checklist will help you make sure you're on the right track, You can also access the Bullet-point version of the Checklist here. Use it to set up your first successful campaign, and dive deeper into the steps who matter most : 

Discover Engagement Types and choose the best for your campaign

There are four Engagement Types. Click on the name to discover more : 
  1. Sticker
  2. Mask
  3. Draw
  4. Text
Take a moment to browse examples, see how each engagement work, and choose the type that fits your brand and audience best. You can then begin the creation process.

Choose or Upload your Welcome Screen

The first step of any Engagement is the Welcome Screen, the landing page where your audience will start the experience. 

You can browse the library of existing Welcome Screens and choose one, but the best will always be to upload your own visual assets ! 

The recommended size for Welcome Screens is 500 x 1000px, preferred format is PNG, JPG is also an option. Read more

Choose or Upload your Background Image

The second step of your Engagement depends on the type, but il always have a Background (you can leave it blank if needed, but most of the time it's a great opportunity to showcase your brand or message). 

The Welcome Screen and the Background Image have the same size and format, but are two different images. Uploading a Welcome Screen does not replicate with Background.

You can browse the library of existing Backgrounds and choose one, but the best will always be to upload your own visual assets ! 

The recommended size for Background and Foreground images is 500 x 1000px, preferred format is PNG, JPG is also an option. Read more

Configure Engagement Parameters

Based on the type of engagement you chose, you can fine-tune parameters to best fit your need. For example
  1. Sticker : available stickers, sizing options, default size...
  2. Mask : available overlays, filter options...
  3. Draw : color options, pencil size...
  4. Text : position, size and color, line breaking...
Decide your settings and go on with the final steps before publishing.

Optionnal : Activate Email Collection

If this is relevant for your brand or experience (Contest, event subscription...), you can enable email capture through a form. Read more on the dedicated article

Configure Sharing Options

Decide where you want your users to be able to share their creation. In this section, you can also enable email Download and Restart features. Read more

Optionnal : Add a tracking Pixel

In advanced parameters from Sharing Options, you can add a Facebook Pixel or Custom Pixel. It will be added to your Engagement and will enable tracking.

Test your Engagement on Mobile and Desktop

When you're OK with your changes, you can save them, then test your Engagement by clicking on the Live Preview Button. Make sure to test it on both mobile and desktop, and check if the size is ok, and all important elements are visible.

Remember that you can't test your engagement without saving changes.

Publish and share your Engagement

When you're satistfied with your Experience, use the link in the last section, and paste it in your message : Facebook Post or Ad, Email, Website... 

That's it ! You're good to go ! 

Next steps : maximize reach and impact of your Engagement, and analyze results. Read more on these subjects soon

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